Health Misinformation on Social Media: Systematic Review


This systematic review aimed to identify the main health misinformation topics and their prevalence on different social media platforms, focusing on methodological quality and the diverse solutions that are being implemented to address this public health concern. We searched PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science for articles published in English before March 2019, with a focus on the study of health misinformation in social media. We defined health misinformation as a health-related claim that is based on anecdotal evidence, false, or misleading owing to the lack of existing scientific knowledge. We included (1) articles that focused on health misinformation in social media, including those in which the authors discussed the consequences or purposes of health misinformation and (2) studies that described empirical findings regarding the measurement of health misinformation on these platforms.

Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(1):e17187
Victor Suarez-Lledo
Victor Suarez-Lledo
Sociology PhD Student

My research interests include computational social science, machine learning research, social media research, and public health.